Building Solutions

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The SUSTAINABLE transformation of buildings is made possible through VINCI Energies Building Solutions Italia (VEBSI).

VINCI Energies Building Solutions Italia operates throughout the life cycle of buildings with the aim of improving comfort, efficiency and environmental performance.

Why orient your business towards sustainability? Here are four key reasons:

  • Financial: The financial choices of banks and institutional investors reward sustainable projects, based on ESG metrics.
  • Incentives and rules: the European Green Deal encourages the ecological transition of assets and is guiding national regulatory choices.
  • Cultural: sensitivity to environmental and social issues is constantly increasing and guides market choices.
  • Efficiency: green projects create more efficient use with excellent economic returns.

Our solutions

With the aim of accelerating digital transformation in existing properties (brownfield) or in new constructions (greenfield), we design and implement customized solutions for every type of building and across every market vertical:

  • Logistics
  • Office
  • Industry
  • Health
  • Data Centers
  • Retail
  • Infrastructure

We offer you a step-by-step approach in three phases:

First phase

Assessment and elaboration of a Building Action Plan based on the client’s ESG or digital objectives.

Second phase

Detailed design and implementation of innovative technological solutions required for the execution of the Action Plan.

Third phase

Operation and maintenance of the infrastructure to ensure the achievement of the objectives defined by the Action Plan.

Our experience

At VINCI Energies Building Solutions Italia, we have gained extensive experience in the two sectors of our Business Units: installations and maintenance.

The Installations BU specifically deals with:

  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Special systems
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations

Otherwise, the Maintenance BU offers the following services:

  • Hard Facility Management
  • Soft Services
  • Energy Monitoring

Our innovation

Our smart building projects are constructed around a circular system of input and output, cyclically fueled by the collection, processing, and interpretation of data.
Through this process, we transition from intentions to actions.

This generates tangible value in the short term for the building and its occupants, as well as intangible value that manifests over time, achieving two objectives:

• Operational Excellence: the streamlining of processes and monitoring of operational parameters to provide buildings with the ability to adapt behavior during operations.

• Building Reputation: integrated communication to strengthen the identity of assets maintained over time, creating message coherence between design and operations.

Beyond the profit

VINCI Energies Building Solutions Italia is a Benefit Society.

Our business model is not solely profit-driven but is oriented towards added value in terms of social and environmental impact for stakeholders.

This approach aligns with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations, known as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Among these, VEBSI’s business specifically focuses on the following objectives:

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Benefit Society

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