Axians is the brand of VINCI Energies Italy which is the reference player for ICT solutions and services.
The numbers of Axians Italia
Million of revenue
Business Units
Axians Italy is a global system integrator that accompanies companies in the path of Digital Transformation, in order to make organizations more efficient and flexible.
The strengths of Axians Italia’s offer
Cloud & Data Center Infrastructure
With cloud services Axians Italy builds an agile and economical IT model that allows companies and the Public Administration to be more competitive.
A strategic lever to ferry IT investments from capex to opex.
Share documents, communicate and work with your team anywhere, anytime, and from any device.
Innovative communication tools streamline business processes and make your business more productive.
In order for an enterprise to face the process of Digital Transofrmation, it is necessary to set up a high-performance and secure corporate network. This is what Axians Italia takes care of.
Cyber Security is a strategic element to defend your business from the constant risk of a cyber attack, which often results in major economic losses.
You can let your business suffer a cyber attack, or invest in cybersecurity by relying on an experienced team. Which path do you prefer?
With the security and video surveillance infrastructures that Axians Italia tailors to you, you can protect and monitor indoor and outdoor environments in real time.
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