VINCI Energies Academy: the international network training course has arrived in Italy

In the spectrum of VINCI Energies Italia corporate training, a great novelty has arrived: the VINCI Energies Academy.The addition of this project, the result of significant growth of VINCI Energies Italia, marks the company’s entry into the Group’s Network Learning, which requires attention to three fundamental points: The VE Academy project in Italy has been...

In the spectrum of VINCI Energies Italia corporate training, a great novelty has arrived: the VINCI Energies Academy.

The addition of this project, the result of significant growth of VINCI Energies Italia, marks the company’s entry into the Group’s Network Learning, which requires attention to three fundamental points:

  1. Country accountability: The creation of relationships with other Academies becomes crucial in enhancing internal best practices and learning from the experience of international colleagues.
  2. National valorisation of existing paths: Entry into the Academy project will allow us to set training courses already started in Italy within a well-organized structure, thus offering tangible support to the professional growth of our employees.
  3. Local presence: By combining the international Academy with the needs of our Group’s Italian brands, we will create a network capable of developing local presence and talents, through tailor-made growth paths.

The VE Academy project in Italy has been designed and developed on four pillars:

  1. Talent development: Identify and cultivate strategic skills to be developed with targeted training paths.
  2. Corporate culture: Integrate the Group’s core values and principles into training.
  3. Connection between people: Thanks to its international nature, the Academy facilitates the connection between different employees, creating a solid and widespread network.
  4. Global Performance Support: All courses organized by the Academy are aimed at achieving local performance objectives to contribute to the achievement of a global result for the Group.

Participating in the Academy courses represents a unique opportunity for VINCI Energies employees  to increase their skills, enrich professional relationships and compare themselves with the rest of the Group.
The range of training offered is wide, covering various professional fields, and the way in which the content is used differs between online and classroom lessons.

In the training course of any employee there are mandatory courses that are part of the onboarding process, or included at a more advanced stage and specific to certain key company figures.
In addition, the Academy offers customized courses and a Development Center or Assessment Center to complete its training portfolio.

In summary, the VE Academy in Italy represents a tangible investment in the professional excellence of the Group’s employees, providing them with the tools and skills necessary to face the challenges of the market and contribute to the continued success of VINCI Energies Italia.


In 2022 I participated in “Strategy & Marketing”, an international seminar involving the General Managers of different countries, focused on the content necessary for the development of strategic plans. It was a training opportunity on the models and best practices used by Vinci Energies at a global level, and an important networking moment. On my return to Italy, an opportunity arose to develop a twinning offer with one of the colleagues I met.

Maurizio Della Fornace Managing Director VINCI Energies Building Solutions Italia

I participated in several courses of the International Academy, including the Seminar for Directors. The most important aspect that I took home from that experience is sharing, which certainly reflects the Group’s organizational model. The Academy is a place where you learn, but also a place where people meet, discuss and grow. And in our decentralized network organizational model, the Academy plays a fundamental role in creating connections between the Group’s BUs.

Thomas Panozzo Managing Director VINCI Energies Italia

During the Head of Support Functions (HOSF) seminar I experienced first-hand the presence of people who every day are confronted with situations similar to mine and I understood how much sharing and support of the network can help to grow and improve.

Maria Elena Alotto Head of Legal & Compliance and Human Rights Officer

I got a lot of interesting things out of the directors’ seminar. First of all, I was able to familiarize myself well with the role of director within the Group, especially the 5 characteristics that a good director must have in VINCI: being visionary, coaching, supervising the activities of their collaborators, and encouraging interaction between the different organizations, showing that a good director is the first sponsor of the Group’s values.

From the Strategy & Marketing course, on the other hand, I was able to learn how to structure the company’s strategic plan

Michele Armenise Managing Director Axians Italia

I took part in the Safety Excellence Training. A two-day meeting for Directors, BU Managers & Safety Managers in attendance, at our headquarters in Paris. I really appreciated the fact that I was able to compare myself with other colleagues from other countries and BUs. Maybe some topics were already known, but the fact of discussing them with other people, hearing other points of view and seeing how they are applied elsewhere, has allowed me to improve the development of the topics in my perimeter.

Renzo Ilari Head of QHSE